Holiday Sock Poems

A Christmas tree made of merino wool yarn cones, set up in the Darn Tough mill at Waterbury

Our Customer Service team has the privilege of hearing your stories firsthand and sharing them with the rest of us. From physical letters to Twitter replies, there’s nothing we like more than hearing from you.

Poems by You

Imagine the holiday cheer Customer Service had the pleasure of spreading when our recent poetry-inspired email sparked some amazing responses from you, including original poems. So, put on a pair of your warmest Merino Wool socks, pour yourself a holiday beverage, and enjoy some of our favorite poem responses, written by you.

From Stephanie in California

Our favorite rhyme: rough with tough.

Two weeks before Christmas
Most presents were bought
All wrapped up and hidden
So they wouldn't be caught.

I needed another
This one would be rough
What would it be?
A pair from Darn Tough!

Once gifts for my sons
included socks and jocks
I could do it again
Alas! No men's Yetis or Fox!

I can't find Big Foot
So I went with a Tree
So many choices
and I want more than I see.

Yes, I did it just now
Clicked here and there
Now more socks are headed
as they fly in the air.

Darn Tough are the greatest
Socks all around
You can't find any greater
and I've looked around.


From Tom in Cleveland

Short, sweet, and expounds on Merino Wool's many benefits. What's not to love?

They're tough, but so comfy,
And hold up so well.
You can wear them for days,
And they don't start to smell!

From Lynne in Vermont

A spin on a classic, with a much appreciated shoutout for a member of our team.

So I sat in my chair, and mom in her cap
was knitting a sock, with a cat in her lap.

She said one for each person, we'll go round the family
for working and playing, hanging out in our jammies!

Now we've flowers and stripes, plus hard-working orange
But, Darn, how to send them down chimneys so far?

Then what to my wondering ear should appear,
but a fabulous employee and eight tiny reindeer.

On Dasher and Dancer, now Prancer and Vixen
Take warmth to my people! Best socks for all mixin'!

Poems by Darn Tough Employees

A plate of sock-shaped Christmas cookies and glass of milk left out at Darn Tough's Mill

Sock Cookies

Soft like butter, warm like Merino Wool.

Baked fresh for the Big Guy, his belly nearly full.
But the socks he wears, they fit just right.
So we made him some cookies,
because he flies in tonight.

You don’t need to be a poetry aficionado to let the inspiration flow. Especially this time of year, there’s a long way the holiday spirit will go. Inspired by your efforts above, we put ours to the test. Joy to you all, we wish you our best. Oh wait... this part wasn’t supposed to be in rhyme...

Timely Delivered Socks

by Lance P.

T'was the last moment to order...
...with hopes of timely-delivered socks.
The cart actively loaded, With anything still in stock.

By 3 p.m. Eastern,
That's noon in the West,
We'll do everything possible
So you show up best.

We can't predict weather,
There's no guarantee.
But don't give up hope,
To slide one more under the tree.

And if you can't pull it together,
Or make your choice swift,
There's always a gift card,
That will make a perfectly fine gift.

Good Tidings

By Ryan S.

Knit fast ye merry gentlemen
And ladies on this day
For Christmas comes just once a year
Your order’s on its way
To save your soles and stop your feet
From blistering away
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
(And durability and fit)
Oh tidings of comfort and joy

In Waterbury and Northfield
Our socks are knit with care
Spun tight with fine Merino Wool
No others can compare
Our Guarantee for Life we sing
Protects from rips and tears
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
(And durability and fit)
Oh tidings of comfort and joy

At last we’ve filled the sleigh with socks
With styles that you want
The best your feet will ever wear
And still made in Vermont
We promise that your toes will purr
In rhythm with your heart
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
(And durability and fit)
Oh tidings of comfort and joy

Jolly Old VanGrizzle

by Gabe A.

We gathered the yarn and laid plans for the season,
With boxes of socks for every holiday reason.
Our staff made their picks and a merry gift guide for your toes,
The sock elves are weary from knitting presents for soles.

They made reindeer and bears, with cushion lighter than down of a thistle,
Approved by Old St. Nick, but we call him Mr. VanGrizzle.
We knit stripes and moose and limited editions,
The coziest presents for your holiday traditions.

So if your stockings have room, let’s fill them with haste,
Our elves and the reindeer have no time to waste.
Be it penguins or pandas or a rocket latrine,
Our knits come delivered with a Lifetime Guarantee.

Old Mr. Van Grizzle will visit your chimney,
With gift cards and bundles of holiday whimsy.
Last chance for comfort, durability, and fit,
Under your tree Christmas morning, you’ll get the finest we knit.

A Silent Northfield Night

By Jenny H.

Tonight, the Mill’s silent
The whirring has ceased
The lights are turned out
The yarns are released

Cones of Merino
Bright colors, fine threads
Rows of machines
Through which yarn’s often sped

But tonight, there’s no knitting
No bustling, no buzz
No tonight, there’s nobody
Why’s that? Well, because...

We have a dear friend
He’s jolly, he’s round
But he doesn’t visit
Where watchful people are found

No, he prefers reindeer
And a late-night surprise
So we all head home
You will too, if you’re wise

Tonight Vermont’s glowing
Stars sparkle on snow
Tonight we’re home sleeping
And we’re happy to know

The big guy will be pleased
When down comes his sleigh
To find the Mill empty
We're all gone away

But empty of people
Not empty of socks
And of his favorite treat
Most certainly not

We know our duty
We won’t let him down
Nothing breaks our hearts
Like a sad Santa frown

So back in the Mill
Placed just where he’ll see
We hung Old Nick’s stocking
By our Merino cone tree

And what’s in his stocking?
We’ll bet you can guess
He needs warm feet too
We give socks – nothing less

Nothing less, but something more
Socks and a treat
With homemade cookies and milk
We don’t miss a beat

Travel safe, travel well friend
As he flies out of sight
Hear “Merry Christmas to all
And to all, a good night!”

Happy Holidays

Wishing you and yours all the best this holiday season!

More Stuff

When Your Dog Shreds Your Socks... Darn It.
Second Opinions Regarding Our Number 2 Sock