Unconditionally Guaranteed for Life
In 2004, we took a risk. Confident that what we knit was more durable and longer lasting, we made a promise that our socks would last forever.
20 years later, we’re still making good on that promise. If your socks ever rip, tear, or lose their fit, our Lifetime Guarantee will cover it.
And that includes everything.

Dog disasters

Campfire catastrophes

Natural selection
"Darn It." Diaries
Tragic tales from the sock-obsessed.
(Don’t worry, new pairs in the mail.)

Darn It: Hoofing It
Heidi B.
I pack mule strings to support backcountry trail maintenance crews. One day, one of my mules unexpectedly pulled a shoe. We had 26 miles to go, on a pretty rough trail. I didn’t have any extra shoes or farrier tools with me, as this was a day trip and the string was freshly shod. So to keep her foot from getting injured, I stuffed her sole with moss, formed SAM® splint around it, and fitted her with one of my Darn Tough socks – I figured it would do better in the creeks than duct tape. It did. She got out of the backcountry, was able to complete her task, and her compromised foot was just fine with the protection of moss and wool. Yee haw!

Darn It: Solemates
Delfina G.
My partner and I had a camping trip to Havasupai coming up. All our friends recommended Darn Tough, so we bought 2 pairs. Halfway through the trip, his boots started killing him, and for one of our 6-milers, he wore your socks for the hike. No shoes. You read that right. He wore just your socks to traverse the canyon, cross rivers, climb wet ladders – you name it. I completely understand this is not how the socks were meant to be used, but I wanted to say this: When we got back to the campground, there was not ONE thread out of place. We washed them in the creek and they may as well have been GOOD AS NEW. I am now a Darn Tough ride or die.

Darn It: Merino Miracle
Michael S.
I was scrambling in my favorite pair of Darn Tough socks when I fell about 75 feet. Both of my feet were broken. My right foot was a compound ankle fracture. Your socks held everything together until I arrived at the emergency room approximately 5 hours later. I have no doubt that the sturdiness and resilience of the socks helped stabilize and protect my exposed bone. I know your socks see a lot of action, but my pair were airlifted into a Black Hawk Helicopter and flown to a level 1 trauma center – it was quite an adventure. I'll be off my feet for the next 10 weeks or so, but I know the next sock on my foot is going to be a Darn Tough sock.

Darn It: Buried Treasure
Laura F.
One day last autumn, while I was visiting my boyfriend’s cabin in Vermont, I dropped a hiking sock on the way back from the laundromat. It fell in the gravel driveway, which is at the top of a small mountain and sees traffic from tractors, cars, trucks, and wildlife. It snowed that night, so my sock sat under a blanket of snow and ice all winter. I found it under one of my car tires this spring. The only damage I could find was a few small holes in the ankle. After a wash, you'd never know it sat outside under a busy driveway during a cold Vermont winter. Amazing! Keep up the great manufacturing!