1466 Day: Celebrating Our Best-Selling Hiker Micro Crews

The 1466 and 1903 hiker micro crew socks in a variety of colors with September 19th marked on the calendar

Being asked to write about the iconic Hiker Micro Crew sock and introduce the upcoming first-ever 1466 Day on September 19 feels a lot like the first time I was asked to deliver a toast at a wedding.

It’s a daunting task, paired with an intimidating sense of imposter syndrome on my part. I can only imagine this is what it feels like to write a foreword for the re-printing of a bestseller. Or give the eulogy at a celebrity’s funeral.

Yes, this sock is that important.

To be clear, I know why I was asked.

  • I’ve worked on the Product Development Team for over 5 years and helped launch over 50 colors for men and women of the Hiker Micro Crew Midweight with Cushion.
  • I am also the men’s fit model for this style; any new yarn that might be used to knit one of those colors or any fit testing goes on my feet.
  • I’ve hiked over 5000 miles of trail in this sock style, including using only 2 pairs for the entire Appalachian Trail (still wearing those pairs, by the way).

In my little realm, I am confident that I know the fit, technical benefits, and product information about this sock style more than anyone else. On paper I should be the one to honor this sock.

The 1466 micro crew sock in various colors hanging on Darn Tough's sock wall

So why the hesitant feelings I describe above? Because I know this sock means a ton to a lot of different people. My experiences are just in the drop in the bucket of where these socks have been and what they’ve been through. How can I do this sock justice? Well, I must try.

And because this feels akin to when I was asked to deliver that Best Man speech, I’m going to use a classic toast format. A quick Google search for a basic wedding toast or other tribute speech format gives you something like to the following:

  1. Welcome everyone and introduce yourself.
  2. Establish the purpose you’re there (if unclear) and your relationship to that purpose.
  3. Share a short anecdote or two that establishes traits about the subject that are worth celebrating.
  4. Sprinkle in some jokes, sentimental connections, etc.
  5. Wrap it up before you lose people (I recognize the irony of me writing this 300+ words in…).

So here goes…

Introducing 1466 Day

(Welcome Everyone and Introduce Yourself)

A pair of feet wearing the 1466 in green

Welcome (300+ words in) to a blog post about the new real holiday 1466 Day, observed on September 19.

My name is Owen and I’m the Product Line Manager at Darn Tough Vermont. Essentially, my job is to make sure we’re giving you, the Darn Tough wearer, the next best possible sock options.

We're Celebrating on September 19

(Establish Purpose and Your Relationship to that Purpose)

So why am I writing this? I’m here today with all of you as we celebrate, and invite you to celebrate, a sock. The best sock in fact.

Yes, it’s Darn Tough’s bestseller, and for several darn good reasons. It’s so great we’ve deemed it worthy, if not necessary, to create a special holiday just for this sock.

So what are we celebrating? The Hiker Micro Crew Midweight with Cushion sock. Let’s break that down:

  • Hiker – made for hikers. An end-use specific sock designed for what hikers need to hike their best.
  • Micro Crew – the perfect height. Not too short, not too tall. Darn Tough invented this height and standardized it. For most hikers, walkers, runners Crew or Boot height is too tall. Quarter or Ankle is too low. Micro Crew is the sweet spot.
  • Midweight – hearty, yet fine and soft. The right weight to be tough yet let Merino Wool shine by doing what it does best – wick moisture, regulate temperature, and resist odors.
  • With Cushion – cushioning underfoot, around the toe, and behind the heel. Terry loops of Merino for comfort, impact protection, and the moisture and temperature management I just mentioned above.

Two hikers in Hiker Micro Crew socks, the 1466 and 1903

For short, we typically reference this sock by its style numbers: 1466 (for Men’s/Unisex sizing) and 1903 (for Women’s sizing). But the 1466 is a number known not just to Darn Tough employees. Having worked in customer service for a couple years, I know firsthand (first foot?) just how many of you know that number by heart and search for it.

A Brief History of the 1466

This sock has it all and has changed very little since it was first knit. At the time, it was a new height in the sock market — the very first Micro Crew sock. The style immediately rose to the top of sales and has been there since.

Millions of pairs are on feet all over the world. It’s one of the last of the 1400s (along with the 1403, 1405, and 1437), the original sock style numbering system from the early Darn Tough Vermont days. Originally a unisex style, we later expanded the sock to include a women's specific fit, namely the 1903. 

A pair of crossed feet wearing the women's 1903 hiker micro crew in light blue

I track this sock’s sales, gather feedback from loyal wearers like all of you, and analyze warranty returns to make sure they’re still just as good as when we launched them. We on the Product Development team also like to can see how we can make them and other socks better.

Don't Take Our Word for It

(Transition to anecdotes that establish traits about the subject worth celebrating)

Gathering feedback, reading reviews, and sitting down with warranty socks that contain a letter, picture, or thank you note has made it abundantly clear to me why this sock deserves the hype, and how it perennially remains the bestseller it’s been for 17+ years.

Darn Tough has a loyal following; within that faithful group is a subset of even more steadfast 1466 and 1903 fans. This sock is part of their uniform.

A pile of 1466 socks in denim blue at the Darn Tough Mill

My Story

Personally, if I had to pick only one sock to wear the rest of my life, this is what I would choose. As I mentioned above, I’ve put it to the test for thousands of miles. Those include 3 Long Trail end-to-end hikes, thru-hikes of the Appalachian and Continental Divide Trails, two 100-mile ultramarathons…the brutal conditions that truly test how tough a Darn Tough sock will be.

Yes, I wear other styles (because we have so many good ones that have the ideal end-use specificity I crave), but I truly know the 1466/1903 is the Swiss Army Knife of socks. It has everything you need for most conditions and activities.

But, just like any corny infomercial, I’ll tell you to not just take my word for it. As I stated earlier, this sock means a lot to a bunch of different people. And I truly can’t make this stuff up.

The Best — Daniel 

"I wore these socks on a 20 mile hike gone wrong. I got lost and ended up doing 30. No blisters in spite of rough terrain and a couple dunks in the creek."

Survived My Dog's Digestive System — Emily

"These socks are so tough they survived being worn for over 10 years and then recently being eaten and pooped out by my mastiff... twice. If that isn't a testimonial to their durability I don't know what is. Great socks!"

Tough Enough to Survive 4mi Shoeless Glacier Hike — Travis

Travis standing in front of a dramatic mountain vista from his trek

"In April, I hiked in the Bolivian Andes near La Paz. On a down day, I went ice climbing with a local tour company. Instead of hiking in my normal hiking boots, the company made me hike 7km in ancient mountaineering boots (think the style used in Edmund Hillary's era). Despite the company's assurance they'd make the boots fit me at base camp, they failed to do so.

"So, I'm hiking toward the base of Huayna Potosi, and these ill-fitting boots are rubbing my shins raw and causing me to stumble on jagged rocks and ice pockets. It was miserable.

"After climbing, my shins were nearly bloody. I couldn't walk in these boots any further, nonetheless several miles. So, I chose to take the boots off and hike in only in my Darn Tough socks.

"I hopped among icy rocks, navigated around boulders, slid on ice, trudged through mud, and gently stepped on toe-slicing stones. I was sure the socks would be trashed, but I trusted the company to stick by their lifetime warranty, so I wasn't worried.

"Shockingly, the socks were okay and had minimal wear besides being wet and muddy. If someone showed me these socks, I'd doubt they just hiked more than four miles in them without shoes.

A close-up at the bottom of Travis's 1466 socks, which look good as new after a wash

"Things get worse from there. The company also runs overnight mountaineering trips up Huayna Potosi, and one of the guides accidentally took my hiking boots, thinking they were part of their group's gear. I waited at base camp for another three hours, standing in my socks while they tracked down my boots. Besides being wet and cold, the socks were perfectly comfortable.

"After washing the socks, they still have years of life left. I liked Darn Tough socks before this adventure but still considered other options. I don't anticipate buying any other brand for my hiking excursions from here on out.

"Darn Tough? Damn right."

Besides being a great anecdote about the 1466, this is 100% a prime "Darn It" moment.

Over 2,350 Miles — Jason

Jason crouching next to a "1000 miles" sign made of rocks on the trail

"I hiked the entire Pacific Crest Trail on 2 pair of your socks. All 2,350 miles. Finally 1 year later one developed a hole. I appreciate the unconditional guarantee! I love the replacement socks."

Awesome Socks — Ian

"The hiker micro crew is the everyday sock for pretty much anything you can throw at them. Purchased a pair for me and my lady she loves them too!"

You Can Never Have Too Many Pairs — Peter

30 pairs of Darn Tough socks, including the 1466 hiker micro crews, laid out on a bed

"You can never have too many pairs of Darn Tough socks as seen in my 30-pairs of DT's!

"They are the most comfortable, long-lasting socks I've ever owned. DT also stands up to their quality materials and construction by committing to a Lifetime Warranty! What more can you ask for?

"Having hiked all the Northeast 115, 4000' mountains in Darn Tough socks, I stand by my belief in and continued purchase of the socks that have always taken care of my feet. You can never have too many pairs."

Peter celebrating his finish at the top of a mountain

Great Socks Make a Difference — Jeff

"A couple of us Canadians recently travelled to the Scotland and spent several days hiking the Highlands. I’ve been a Darn Tough fanboy for a long time, but haven’t really tested the socks.

"All I can say is that I brought Darn Tough socks exclusively to the Highlands and they did not let we down. Rain or shine, my hiker socks kept me comfortable and warm… Not always an easy task.

"Darn Tough has my highest praise… great company, great products and great concept. You’ve got our support… you’ve earned it."

Every Mile of the A.T. — Job & Hunter

"Enclosed, you will find a clean, well-worn pair of your socks with an interesting history. First of all, we do not expect a “free” pair of socks in return. We know you are proud of your warranty, but any socks would have failed with what your fine socks endured.

"My 22 year old son just completed a 94 day thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. In fact, he finished atop Mt. Katahdin on June 29. My son is a bit superstitious. He started the A.T. on day #1 with your single pair of “Darn Tough” socks. He wore this pair of socks EVERY day and every mile of the A.T. When holes started forming, he simply added another pair of thin polypropylene socks underneath this pair. And when the liner socks started getting holes, he would add a new pair of polypropylene liners.

"So when Hunter finished, he was on his 4th of shoes and wearing three pairs of socks on each foot with “Darn Tough” the outside sock and taking it on every A.T. mile.

"We thought you would enjoy this little story. Thank you for the fine product."

All Joking Aside...

(Sprinkle in some jokes, sentimental connections, etc.)

By a campfire, feet wearing the 1466 socks in black, with a marshmallow dropped on them

I’ve tried to be funny here. If that wasn’t clear, or if my tone has fallen flat, I will tell you that the pain of losing a single sock is unpairable. (Yes, I understand if you’re disappointed after reading that. Feel free to close your laptop or throw your phone/eReader across the room. I won’t blame you.)

I’ve also attempted to sprinkle in some personal connections. To get sentimental, I truly am proud of this sock and what I’ve done in it. I hold my AT pairs fondly before putting them on and truly am amazed in what good shape they’ve remained.

A woman looking at a dramatic mountain vista wearing the 1903 hiker micro crew socks

And I know from the letters we’ve gotten and anecdotes complete strangers feel compelled to share with me upon hearing I work at Darn Tough, that they mean a lot to you too.

Come Celebrate With Us

(Wrap it up before you lose people)

So if you’re still here and haven’t clicked off to something else, I will say I’m honored to have been asked to write this blog post / deliver this toast. Providing context and a framework for others to share their stories makes me feel so full.

2024 marks the first 1466 Day, but we don't plan on it being the last. Here's a few ways we're celebrating this year, and how you can get involved if you're a fan of the Hiker Micro Crew:

  • Wear your Hiker Micro Crews on 1466 Day on 9/19
  • Share a picture of your Hiker Micro Crews and tag @darntoughvermont with #1466Day
  • Brush up on the 1466's origin story
  • Earn double loyalty points for purchasing the 1466 or 1903 (or both) on 9/19/2024
  • Enjoy early access on 9/19 only to a limited edition color of the 1466
  • If you're in Vermont, keep an eye out — we'll be visiting local trailheads and handing out a limited quantity of free pairs. 

In Closing

(Raise your glasses, please)

A hiker tying on their shoes over the 1466 hiking socks in Hickory, a limited edition color

Here’s to many more comfortable miles on trail, less tiring times standing on your feet on the job, and just plain comfy, well-maintained feet.

It seems silly; in fact it IS silly to have a holiday for a sock. But if any sock can pull it off, it’s this one.

More Stuff

Space Dye Socks Video
Sock Weights Explained: Video