The Alternate Stitch

Putting Alaskan Fish on Vermont Socks

As we explored the industrial landscape of Homer’s bustling waterfront and captured photographs, an idea began to take shape: could we design a pair of Darn Tough socks featuring a special Salmon Sisters design inspired by our Alaskan landscape and way of life?

How to Choose the Right Lifestyle Socks
The best sock is one you want to wear every day, and we can help you find it. The secret, they say, is letting the sock choose you. But for someone with a lifestyle as adventurous and spontaneous as yours, we feel you might need a little help.
Can't Hide from the Truth — No Slip No Shows

The premise for this test was ridiculous. It was formulated accidentally a few years ago when Darn Tough first started knitting casual no shows. Sitting on a deck admiring a mowed lawn, shoes were kicked off, and we realized the no shows hadn’t budged. There’s more to it, and we’ll get to that in a minute.

What on Earth Is a "Lifestyle" Sock?

Huh. This is a great question. I mean, what exactly IS a lifestyle sock? I’ll be honest, I never really knew what a “Lifestyle” sock was until I started wearing them. All I knew at the time was that they were fun and felt good on my feet. But they are so much more than that!