Errant Embers & Soaked Boots: Sock "Darn It." Moments

A couple standing around a campfire wearing coordinated hiking socks

Waterproof boots not so waterproof? Darn it. Campfire embers burn a hole in your clothes? Darn it. Legs have too close an encounter with sharp rocks? Darn it.

We get it — life is tough. Our socks are tougher. So tough, in fact, that we guarantee them for life. So, if your misadventure results in an injured sock, don’t worry. We got you covered.

And if you’re wondering about the aforementioned examples? Yup, all true stories. Maybe not as dramatic as that time our socks suddenly became mule-shoes… but all just as true.

Errant Embers

Two pairs of feet held up close to a fire in Merino Wool socks

"My first pair of Darn Tough socks lived up to their name! Put 'em on, then built a fire; so far, so good! An hour later, I stepped on a tiny, errant ember but didn't notice it. These suckers are SOOOO well-made that the extra cushioning saved my skin from achieving a s'mores marshmallow quality! Not only did they prevent a burn, but the excellent quality of the fibers means I can salvage them with a bit of darning repair magic." - Hollie D.

Hollie, thank you for affirming the stance of everyone here who is firmly on Team Cushion. To each their own, but a certain group of us (this author included) knows that the added comfort and durability of cushion is always the right choice.

Merino Wool’s fire-resistant properties aren’t something we often get the excuse to talk about in the sock world. That said, definitely try not to put your toes too close to the fire… but if you do scorch your socks, our Lifetime Guarantee has got you covered. Though we do appreciate your choice to darn your socks instead of replacing them.

Completely Soaked

A person wearing rubber boots, with one boot off after stepping in water

"I was out hunting, and my waterproof boots turned out not to be waterproof. My feet got completely soaked. These socks saved my feet, and my hunt! Within minutes, my feet felt like they were getting drier. My mind was blown; I had no idea socks could do this!" - Brandon M.

Seeing people experience the magic of Merino Wool for the first time never gets old. Merino fibers are expert moisture managers, wicking sweat and water away from your skin and releasing it into the air at an impressive rate.

Hopefully, your boots work as anticipated. But if they don’t, at least you can count on your socks to help protect your piggies. And before we move on, here’s one more story showing just that.

Person stepping across a stream wearing merino wool socks

"The micro crew hiking socks worked really well for me on a long distance thru-hike this summer. I encountered heavy rainfall, flooded trails, and repetitive days where my feet, socks, and shoes were totally soaked. Needless to say, everything started to stink. Thankfully, I was able to dry these socks out and continue hiking, even though my trail runner shoes never dried out." - Amy S.

Jagged Rocks

A person falling over backwards down a hill

"Bought some socks. First day with them, I fell while climbing and crashed my leg on a jagged rock. Thought it would be gashed and bleeding; nope. My socks were torn but not my flesh. Did the warranty thing, got a new pair in a week." - Steven H.

Thanks for taking us up on our warranty, Steven. Few things get us as excited as opening up a package of warranty socks and seeing what they’ve been through.

Our Warranty team has seen a lot, so they’re pretty good at identifying issues – from toenail holes to boot rub. These socks might have left them guessing, though. Wishing you many more epic (and hole-free) climbs in your new socks!

Have a “Darn It.” Moment?

Let us know. These stories get us pumped and keep us motivated on our journey to make the world’s best socks. Besides, some are just too good not to share.