How to Pair Our Socks with Your Weird Dad

Dad with feet up showing off his darn tough socks, a great Father's Day gift

As a dad myself, I have to admit — dads are weird. We spend free time hanging out in the garage by ourselves, go to the hardware store to see what new tools came in and pick up hobbies like grilling meat. I think it’s just in the DNA of being a dad.

Dads can also be the hardest to buy gifts for. We never want anything, or at least can never think of anything we want. What do I want? Honestly? Like a pallet of 2x4s or 15 bags of cement. No one’s buying that for me.

But socks. I love socks. I think most dads would. Depending on what your dad is into, or what he’s like, here are some Merino Wool recommendations for this Father’s Day.

For the Dad Who Has "Dress Hiking Boots"

Close up of feet wearing hiking shoes and the Willoughby hiking socks with moose and bear in a canoe

If your dad is into hiking, you already know, because his house is full of trail books, he probably has a large topographic map collection and wears his “good hiking boots” out to dinner. He’ll appreciate a fresh pair of socks for his next weekend trek, although you’re just as likely to see him wearing them around the house with his closed-toe sandals.

Willoughby Micro Crew Lightweight Hiking Sock - Definitely owns a canoe or at least has plans to finally buy one after he gets his IRS refund.

Sunset Ridge Micro Crew Lightweight Hiking Sock - Hiked a section of the PCT back in the 70s, brings it up every time you mention your weekend hiking plans.

VanGrizzle Boot Midweight Hiking Sock - Drives a VW van with a Ralph Nader bumper sticker. Once followed Phish on a 10-stop tour.

Hiker Boot Midweight Hiking Sock - Doesn’t mince words. Has had the same hiking backpack since the 80s. Makes his own beef jerky.

For the Dad Who Makes Fun Run-Tracker Route Shapes

Runner coming down trail wearing darn tough running socks

I’m always a little jealous of runner dads. Probably because they seem to have so much energy, can eat whatever they want, and aren’t afraid to rock those short shorts. If you want to surprise your runner dad with the best men's running socks, you’re going to have to get up super early, because he leaves the house at 5:30am every morning—rain or shine.

Stride Micro Crew Ultra-Lightweight Running Sock - Gets called out by family members for randomly stretching in public. Does not care.

Bolt Micro Crew Ultra-Lightweight Running Sock - Always in a good mood. Continues to claim it’s just a “runner’s high.” Only wears running apparel.

Run No Show Tab Ultra-Lightweight Running Sock - Once ran a 5K on his way to run a 10K. Has a lot of different supplements and powders he purchased online.

For the Dad Who's Hobbies Have Become a Way of Life

Man seated on ground tying shoes on over tail walker socks with swordfish on them

Personally, this is the category I fall into most. Breweries, walking around, nothing overly athletic. Lifestyle. Whether dad spends summer afternoons putting down crispy bois, washing the pontoon boat or just appreciates general comfort, you can’t go wrong with a pair of US made socks.

Spey Fly Crew Lightweight Lifestyle Sock - Dreams of going on a guided fly-fishing trip to Alaska. Has yet to try fly-fishing.

Neo Geo Crew Lightweight Lifestyle Sock - Home brew hobby beginning to turn into a home brew business.

Tailwalker Crew Lightweight Lifestyle Sock - Wears sunglasses with Croakies whether he’s on the water or not. Interesting tan lines.

Whetstone Crew Lightweight Lifestyle Sock - Has a very detailed knife sharpening process that mom uses to her advantage when she wants time to herself.

For the Dad with the Callused Hands

Close up of construction worker wearing merino wool socks and boots

Growing up, my dad was a carpenter so I know how much time he spent on his feet, wearing boots in all sorts of weather conditions. The first thing a dad like that will tell you is, (ahem… low voice) “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear.” Well, here are some really good socks.

Fred Tuttle Micro Crew Midweight Work Sock - Has his forklift certification mounted on a wall in the office. Constantly tinkering on the riding lawn mower.

Steely Boot Midweight Work Sock - The last hug you received was after the 2006 Stanley Cup, but you know he loves you just the same.

Simple Works

While some of these generalizations are pretty far-fetched, you can probably picture a few of these weird dads. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that dads don’t want pomp and circumstance. They just want something simple that stands the test of time and works when you need it.

Whether you’re still at the point where your dad embarrasses you in public or you’ve come to terms with who he is as a person, you can’t go wrong with a fresh pair of socks this Father’s Day. And if you're still not sure where to start, our hiking socks for men are a pretty sure bet.

About the Author

Chris Zimmerman is a copywriter, content creator, and wordplay enthusiast who enjoys spending his time exploring the nooks and crannies of the Pacific Northwest with his wife and daughter. When he’s not chasing around a 3-year-old, he likes to spend his time snowboarding and attempting to surf.

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