Staff Picks: The People Who Know
If you know, you know. And if you don’t, that’s okay. Because for this round of Staff Picks, we talked to a few people who know best.
We reached out to Darn Tough employees who have at least 10 years of service with the company and asked them to talk about their favorite socks. This is what we learned.
Pearle B. — 11 Years

Pearle's Pick: Sun Pedal Lifestyle Socks
“These socks have attitude.”
Pearle’s smile glows like the sunflowers decorating her favorite socks. In her 11 years at Darn Tough, she’s never seen another sock with such attitude.
But that’s what makes the Sun Pedal so inspiring, she says. It’s what keeps her coming back every day to see which seeds have sprouted the tallest in the Merino Garden that is our Mill. And because it evokes a sense of movement – that at 69 years young – Pearle is determined to keep chasing until she’s 100.
Andy T. — 15 Years

Andy's Pick: Hunting Over-the-Calf Socks
“I’d like to think there’s a part of me out there with every hunter who wears them.”
It’s no surprise that Andy chose the Hunting OTC (Over-The-Calf). It’s one of the warmest socks we knit (Andy should know… he helps knit them).
From Knitting Operator to Boarding, to his current role as a Changeover Specialist, Andy’s done it all. Which is why he takes it personal when hunters wear our socks, because he feels he’s a part of their adventure.
He even proposed to his now wife on a turkey hunt while wearing these socks. Confirming that although love is blind, it’s much better in the blind.
Joe L. — 15 Years

Joe's Pick: Hiker Quarter Midweight Socks
“I put these on every time I go golfing.”
Joe’s been a technical wizard his whole life. He won the 3rd Grade Chess State Championship in Vermont. And he plays golf.
Today, he’s our Senior IT Support Specialist – a.k.a. the guy you call when your computer breaks. When asked about his strategies, he tells us that’s classified information. But, like his short game, it’s something he’s honed over the years.
His favorite sock – the Quarter Hiker – is fitting for long days at work, he says, and for the occasional birdie on the back nine.
Heather L. — 31 Years

Heather's Pick: Element No Show Socks
“They help me get through the day.”
As a veteran Line Supervisor, Heather’s never not in her element while at work. She’s one of the last lines of defense when it comes to ensuring your socks are perfect. And thanks to her, they always are.
After 26 years on the job, you can bet she’s never missed a step – especially not while wearing her favorite Element No Show socks. They’re comfortable, durable, and, in her opinion, the best-fitting socks for all-day support.
Kim Y. — 31 Years

Kim's Pick: Twitterpated Lifestyle Socks
“A sock with birds on it is one you can trust for life.”
A little birdie told us that Kim was once the sole member of the Financing team. But like birds of a feather, her flock has expanded. And now, as a Senior Accounts Payable Specialist, she flies at the front of the formation with her favorite sock in toe.
The Twitterpated is a Lightweight Crew that breathes well and helps Kim keep her feet comfortable while crunching numbers at work or refilling her birdfeeders at home.
Jimmy C. — 40 Years

Jimmy's Pick: Hiker Micro Crew Socks
“It’s our most popular sock and still my favorite.”
Jim’s always had a knack for fixing things. He grew up restoring broken lawnmowers so he could donate them to people in town who didn’t have one. Way to go, Jim!
He got hired in 1979 as a custodian and now presides over the knitting floor as one of our veteran Master Techs. His favorite sock – the Midweight Hiker Micro Crew – is also our best-selling sock, and one he knows he’ll never have to fix. Even though we know he could.
Laura D. — 43 Years
“Of course, these are my favorite. Look at the owls!”

Laura's Pick: Hootie Lifestyle Socks
Giving a hoot is Laura’s M.O. She works in Accounting and is the longest tenured employee the company has. But that’s not why everyone knows her.
Laura is an artist, and her specialty is sculpting sock owls. They’re about as cute as they sound and fashioned using single socks that have nowhere else to fly.
Her favorite sock – the Hootie Crew – pays homage to these nocturnal night birds with cushion underfoot and cute little owls that Laura’s artwork so lovingly brings to life.