Unconditional Giving: Introducing Knit to Give

Darn Tough's first Knit to Give sock, the Barnyard, a blue lifestyle sock with farm animal designs

Today, we are launching ‘Knit to Give’ – a series of socks available on darntough.com that give all profits directly to the Vermont Foodbank. In the past, you’ve seen us commit to a few days a year where we would donate profits from the website, which was wonderful don’t get us wrong – you helped us donate one million meals that way – but we wanted more.

Things We Take Seriously

Something that you may have noticed about us, we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We take cracks at each other, make up random bets that are unable to fulfill, and give a lot of our attention to office dogs. But you probably already know that we take our socks VERY seriously. From start to finish, we own it. All of it.

The Vermont Foodbank boot giving away food to those in need

Another thing that we are extremely serious about is our relationship with the Vermont Foodbank and ending hunger here in our home state and beyond. So, we decided it was time to lean in even harder to two of the things that we are really serious about: Socks and giving.

Designing the First Sock

The funny part about how ‘Knit to Give’ came to be was that there was no real ‘pitch,’ everyone was already thinking the same thing. Design, development, production, marketing, sales, you name it… we all knew we wanted to make more of a commitment the best way that we know how; with socks of course!

Then began the fun. It surely comes as no shock to you that our Design and Development team(s) are full of fun and creative ideas that tell stories. “Okay team, let’s design our first sock that is designed specifically to give to the Vermont Foodbank."

The designs that they brought to the table were amazing, but we knew ‘the one’ when it hit the table. That is when my brain started pulling each element into the partnership we have created.

  • The wheelbarrow transporting fresh vegetables = The VeggieVanGo program which provides fresh and healthy foods at schools and hospitals around Vermont.
  • The chicken eating off the ground = This echoes the Vermont Foodbank’s logo of a bird picking up food.
  • The Holstein cow on the top of the cuff = The ‘Knit to Give’ name stitched into its spots.
  • The Holstein cow on the foot = Look carefully, the state of Vermont is in its spots.
  • The egg with legs = This one is just classic Darn Tough. Gives you the ‘WTF… but I’m here for it’ vibe.

Knit Sustainably 

Another hugely important piece of the ‘Knit to Give’ story is that it is made from overstock wool.

What is overstock wool you ask? Great question! Essentially overstock is Merino Wool yarn that is gathering dust and set to be downcycled – check out our article explaining overstock yarn socks for more details.

Knit to Give

So, to reiterate for those in the back. These Knit to Give socks:

  1. Feed hungry Vermonters
  2. Make use of yarn that needed to be given new life, a chance for us to better manage our waste
  3. Are beautiful and fun
  4. There are surely more things I just can’t think of them at this moment
  5. Are going to allow you to tell a story when people say, “Oh my, where did you get those socks; they’re so cute!”
  6. You’re welcome

Vermont Foodbank volunteer putting tomatoes in a bag

New Socks, Every 3 Months

We are excited to bring a new ‘Knit to Give’ sock to you, about every three months. Along with each sock release, you will see us partner with a local artist to tell the story and (beautifully) illustrate the colors, designs, and overall aesthetics in their art form.

So, put www.darntough.com on repeat every three(ish) months for your opportunity to help end hunger in Vermont, upcycle overstock yarn, support local artists, and to have your feet wrapped in the most comfortable, durable, best fitting socks there are.

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