The Mia Sock

Mia at the Darn Tough mill holding up her sock

A story from Lyn Feinson, our VP of Product Design and Development, on her experience collaborating with our youngest sock designer.

Mia's Letter

One Friday last November, as I was clearing my desk, I noticed a piece of mail. Intrigued by the California postmark and the youthful handwriting, I decided my weekend could wait. I tore open the envelope and that’s how I first met Mia.

Mia's Letter

Seven year-old Mia, from Oakland California, aspires to one day be a Stylist, or a Politician (perhaps a stylish, Darn Tough sock wearing, politician?). Mia wrote to tell me that to escape an intense bout of boredom, her father suggested she design a sock for her favorite sock company, Darn Tough… so that’s exactly what she did – and it blew me away!

Mia's sock design sketch

From Sketch to Sock

It’s hard for me to articulate how impactful her letter was to me, both personally and professionally. Mia’s energy and creativity reminded me of myself as a young girl… needless to say, we needed to make Mia’s beautiful sock.

Mia's sock built into our sock program

With the thumbs up of her family, Mia became an honorary member of the Darn Tough design team; she reviewed CAD drawings, previewed knit-downs and approved her final sock.

Mia arrives at the mill and makes some notes

Mia Comes to Vermont

Finally, it was time to invite Mia to see her socks being knit at our Mill in Northfield, VT.

When Mia and her family arrived, it was our first time meeting in person, but we felt like old friends.

Mia sees the mill

Touring the Mill together, Mia gazed overhead at the cones of colorful yarn, asked lots of questions as machine #A007 brought her design to life, and finally held her freshly knit sock – it was pure magic!

Mia holding up her sock and smiling

As the young designer stepped into the socks she had designed, her face lit up. There was no question these socks were 100% Mia. 

Trying the Mia Sock on!